Coaching and Personal Development

Maybe your life is fundamentally fine but you might want to improve one or two areas by exploring and learning some new skills or tools, different attitudes and ways of being, like communication skills, parenting, how to overcome stress, develop your self-awareness, become calmer. Then perhaps coaching or personal development is what you are looking for.
I have experience as a coach and trainer and can help you develop in a variety of areas. I believe that at the heart of personal or self-development is self knowledge. I think that for a healthy and happy life, it is necessary to be aware of what happens within your body, soul and mind.
Self-awareness has been an important element in many spiritual streams since ancient times. For example, it is central to the practice of Buddhism and was present in Ancient Greece as depicted in the inscription, “Know thyself”, at the entrance to the Temple of Apollo in Delphi.
Here is a list and brief description of the areas I can help you develop.
Know yourself better
Learn to become more aware of your feelings and emotions and to notice what they are telling you about how life is working for you.
Look after yourself better
Learn to identify your needs better and become more effective at meeting them.
Develop your capacity to live in the present with full awareness of yourself and what is around you with acceptance.
Increase your confidence and learn to express yourself clearly and effectively in a way that others will listen to, whilst gaining their respect.
Non-violent communication
Express clearly and respectfully how you feel and ask for what you want effectively, whilst taking the needs of others into consideration too.
Anger management
Learn to express and receive strong emotions in a safe and healthy way
Conflict resolution
Learn about negotiating win-win solutions.
Art of listening
Learn to be more aware of others and to acknowledge what they are going through.
Learn how to handle stressful situations better.
Learn to give helpful constructive feedback to others and to yourself.
Being a parent is possibly the hardest thing we will ever do. It can be a lonely task for which we had no training. I can help you in areas like:
- How to relate better to your children/teenagers and how to understand their behaviour
- Dealing with tantrums, anger, challenging behaviour and sorting out arguments and conflict in the family
- Shouting less and co-operating more
- Helping children’s self-esteem and confidence
- Living in multi-cultural families
Learn to how to become more effective at doing today what you feel like doing tomorrow.